Looking for a thread- Vendor photos vs real life


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2013
Hi everyone,

I have been searching for a thread here that was mentioned in the other pearl forum, related to how vendor glamour shots compare to 'real life' photos taken by customers. Apparently many of the members on this forum were kind enough to post some shots of their necklaces next to the pictures that were provided by the vendor.
As a new buyer I am still trying to get used to gauging the differences between what to expect from what I see online, so this thread would be a really helpful resource. I am not putting in the correct search terms, though, because the main photo thread I am pulling up is the also highly useful one about taking pictures of pearls, but there are no side by side comparisons in sight.

I have come to you to ask if anyone remembers this thread and can pull up the link.

Thank you all for your help!
