Does dyeing pearls lower their value?

Oh my god! I'm so sorry about that! I took/posted that picture from my phone and didn't realize it would come up so large!

Anyways, I re-sized the picture for better viewing!

Thanks for all your help! I really appreciate it! Going with genuine Tahitians was indeed the way to go! I can't wait to see her face when she sees them tomorro!
Also, I have a few questions for you guys: When looking for blemishes in a pearl what exactly should I be looking for? For example, I'll see a few inconsistencies on the pearl's surface in like one or two places, but that's about it, and it's only noticeable under certain light.
Also, when doing the rub/tooth test, how rough should it feel? I tried it on various pearls here in the diamond district in NYC and while I'm still not sure I know what texture I'm looking for. Some most definitely were slightly rougher than others, but none really matched up the description of "sandpaperlike" that I heard. Maybe I'm just imagining sandpaper being super rough?

Oh! And I have one more question: I noticed that on a lot of photos here and online the Tahitian pearls show crazy rainbow colors, whereas these seem to showcase it in a more subtle way. Along the edges, on whites, etc...
Is this normal?
I'm always wary about being ripped off, though I doubt these are fakes or anything. The jewler I went to (David S Diamonds) is pretty reputable and has a pretty great reputation for quality.

Again, thanks for all the help guys!
Fake pearls are utterly smooth, so if the pearl is a little rough, it's real.

A few light surface blemishes are normal; usually pearls are set/drilled in such a way that the blemishes are not so visible. Remember that people will be looking at them from a social distance and that luster is good at hiding blemishes.

Tahitians come in a range of body colors and overtones. It's all a matter of taste, and price. The important thing is that you like them.
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