Pearl Luster

Pearl Luster Defined
Pearl Luster (also spelled Lustre) is the measurement of the quality and quantity of light that reflects from the surface and just under the surface of a pearl. The word comes from the Latin Lux which translates into "Light".

Pearl Luster is the Unique Shine that give Pearls their Beauty
Luster is the quality or quantity of brilliance of the surface of the pearl. The more lustrous the pearl, the more it shines and reflects light and images. In general, saltwater pearls tend to have greater luster than freshwater pearls. Pearls with low luster appear white or chalky, rather than brilliant, reflective, and shiny.

Comparing freshwater pearl luster

High Pearl Luster Comes from More Nacre
  • High luster partially results from the amount of nacre deposited to form the pearl, which in turn is a function of how long the pearl has had to develop within the oyster. The exception to this rule are South Sea pearls, which have the thickest nacre coating of all saltwater pearls but have a silkier luster than that of the thinner coated Akoya pearls.
  • Pearls with a high luster usually have more nacre and are valued more highly than pearls with a lower luster or less nacre. The exception to this value rule are Keshi or "poppyseed" pearls. Because they are 100% nacre, keshi tend to be the most lustrous of all pearls, yet they are often less valuable than cultured pearls.

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