Wanting to Sell Mikimoto pearls



Mikimoto 2 strands Pearls Mikimoto clasp and original documents.
Purchased 1970.
What do you want to know? Or is that an ad?

Mikis do far better on eBay than over here. That is the place to sell them.

We really aren't a marketplace.
mikimoto for sale

mikimoto for sale


Caitlin is right. But there are a lot of people here that could help you know what your pearls are worth. Perhaps you could post a clear picture of your pearls and the information on your documentation. Its hard to judge value from a picture, but perhaps you could get some iinput on the general range you could expect to make from selling your pearls.

In anycase, good luck!
A miki with the clasp and the box and/or the original documents is saleable on eBay. If you have never sold on eBay- there is a bit of a learning curve to it, but in the case of documented mikis, it will be worth it. I never saw one go for cheap; they have a way for finding their market value- because of the box, docs, and clasps-

Check out some of the eBay Miki auctions we have discussed on this forum. There is a whole forum for pearls on eBay. And there are several Miki items. Also. go to eBay and type in Mikimoto pearls, whatever is being sold now, if anything, will show up.

YOu will need good photos of the strands, the clasp and the documents to get the best price on ebay. You are welcome to post your pictures over here for advice on the starting price, etc, if you think you would like that.