news from Brazil



Hi Caitlin and everyone,
i still insisting in producing freshwater pearl using tyhe native mussels from Brazil. The main family is Hyriidae, as other freshwater mussels they are very threatened and many are dissapearing. I not know what happens in the Hyriopsis but with brazilian mussels i can not lift the mantle. Doing this i missed all extrapallial water, that is necessary to produce pearl. So, now, i am trying another kind of surgery, I am making a square on the shell, near the umbo, and introducing the piece of mantle, or nuclei, through this aperture. After that i seal it and WAIT.
Now i am capable of reproducing many species (Anodontites trapezialis, A. trapezeus, Diplodon sp, and others), so i will be able to trial with more than one species to look the result.
If interest i can post some pictures of theses species.

Ricardo Cunha Lima
Hi Richardo,

Good to hear from you! Would love to see pictures. Glad to know of your success and experiments.

so many pearls, so little time
Thanks Ricardo
Your work is really interesting and I am glad you are making progress.

Yes please put up some photos