Buying Hanadama in Japan



Hi, I've been reading this site and visiting some of the websites mentioned in these forums for the past couple of months to help me in my hunt for a birthday present for my wife. Because we live in Japan, I was hoping if not for a deal than at least for some better buying opportunties. Anyone know of a dealer out there (I mean here) that won't take me to the cleaners? I'm looking for hanadama quality or perhaps a semi-round or baroque South Seas necklace, of about 20 inches. Thank you if you can steer me in the right direction.
Hanadama quality pearls in Japan

Hanadama quality pearls in Japan


if you have read the threads and posts on this forum you must have been made aware, that pearls of that quality are most truly overprized in Japan. Why don?t you just go in on the sites of our members? They give you the same quality for less money and I as a buyer of pearls through the Internet can only say - you won?t regret it!

good luck and let us know what you achieved and what your wife thinks of her birthday pearls.
