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  1. R

    Could you help me know what type of pearl it is?

    Thanks for the contact of the wholesaler, but wouldn't you know of any contact in Europe, since I am in that area? might be interested in selling
  2. R

    Could you help me know what type of pearl it is?

    Muchas gracias por tu respuesta, es de mucha ayuda. la primera imagen de 17x11 mm y la segunda imagen de 12x6 mm. aunque no tengo material específico para dar una medida exacta. al tener esa llama, la de la segunda foto. ¿Esto le da mayor valor o le resta valor?
  3. R

    Could you help me know what type of pearl it is?

    hello friends! I didn't know about this forum and I see that it is of great help. I have these pearls and I don't know what kind of value they have. Could you help me know what type they are? thank you so much