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  1. A

    Will freshadamas maintain their freshadama look 20 years from now?

    I know that hanadamas will probably not maintain their beautiful qualities due to the thin nacre, etc. And I recently purchased freshadama from PP, and they are lovely and beautiful. But, I am curious to know if freshadamas (or just high quality freshwater pearls) will maintain their freshadama...
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    Questions about rope pearls

    Hi, firstly, thank you for all the wonderful information on here!!!! I am deciding on rope pearls. I know I will go with freshwaters. My freshadamas arrived and they are lovely. But for rope pearls (at least 50 inches), what grading would you all recommend? Is AAA nice enough? Will AAA...
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    Timeframe for new inventory

    Hi everyone! Thank you very much for all the info provided on this website. I recently purchased a hanadama single strand and a freshadama single strand for PP to compare. Still waiting on the freshadama to come in.... it's agony. However, while browsing through many vendor's online store, it...