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  • Hello Bweaves!
    I need your help to resolve the tiny font issue if you still experience it!
    Please send me a screenshot or take a photo of your screen displaying the problem and please tell me what browser you are using and operating system!
    Thank you!
    OK. I've taken a screenshot, but I'm not sure how to get it to you.
    I've uploaded a photo of my screen to the thread about the new PG format.
    Hi Karen:

    My Mom bought me the little ruby heart / pearl drop earrings about 20 years ago from Mayor's Jewelers.

    I tend to spin on a spindle more than my wheels, just because I can take the spindle with me. I spin fine, so I don't need to bring much with me in my purse.

    If you're interested in finding out more about pearls, search on the PearlsAsOne course. There should be a coupon code to take it for free.

    Hi, I’m new here but have been interested in your posts. I love your weaving posts since I like knitting. I have a spinning wheel but have not been able to use it very often.

    I’m currently trying to come up with my pearl purchasing plan. The more I read, the more I learn about pearls AND the more feel like I know nothing.

    What drew me to contact you was a post with your 5mm pearl drop and ruby heart earrings. They are so pretty! Is there any chance you remember where you got them?

    I’m in my early 50s so it’s time to really start collecting. I’ve always love stones and pearls but raising a family and college tuitions got in the way, though I do own a few pieces. I’m fairly petite and I think smaller pearls might look best on me..... so much to learn!

    Anyway, I enjoy all your posts I’ve seen. Thanks! ☺️

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