Who is attending the Tucson Gem shows Feb ‘05?*


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2004
Are any of you on this forum going? If so, please post your store or booth location here!

I will be making up some pearl necklaces in 2005 and can’t make up my mind whether to go with fresh or saltwater pearls, so I will be furthering my education in cultured pearls at the Gem Show. There will be literally thouseands of pearls traders there, so I would like some tips on how to hone in on good traders- so I can look at their goods. I’d like to start with people who post here.

I want to feel and look at the best quality of both kinds of cultured pearls in preparation for my first buy of quality pearls. I may buy a loose strand of fw here or there, but mostly want just to prepare. When I do get my first kilo, or whatever it turns out to be, I want the education to make the best choice for me and to know what I am getting.


*The Tucson Gem and Mineral show is the biggest gem and mineral trade show in the world. It literally takes up every hotel room in the town for almost a month.