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  1. B

    rought pearl identification - wild iris haliotis.

    Beautiful shell! i would love to fish one of those giant species. My old and wise iris haliotis from the north sea look tiny compare to a red abalone :-) i would imagine the value for shells, blisters and pearls depend on the species? Or is the size only important? Love your story Cathy! My...
  2. B

    rought pearl identification - wild iris haliotis.

    Beautiful shell! i would love to fish one of those giant species. My old and wise iris haliotis from the north sea look tiny compare to a red abalone :-) i would imagine the value for shells, blisters and pearls depend on the species? Or is the size only important? Love your story Cathy! My...
  3. B

    rought pearl identification - wild iris haliotis.

    thank you! it is now crystal clear :-)
  4. B

    rought pearl identification - wild iris haliotis.

    thank you i understand a bit better now ... there is just one thing i don't understand : i thought unlike oyster pearl, abalone pearl could only be found on the shell as the abalone is haemophiliac mollusk. so isn't abalone pearl all chicots? if not, how do they look like on the shell then?
  5. B

    rought pearl identification - wild iris haliotis.

    I have just one last i would like to show. Just to be sure i understand difference between pearl and blister pearl. This is a tin one but it look to me as a pearl and not a blister.
  6. B

    rought pearl identification - wild iris haliotis.

    Thank you so much for your answers! As i recently started to do jewels out of my shells it will definetly add a great touch to my creations! Also as i did some more research with this new information, i found out some shell can be worth a few hundred euros :-) Thanks again for your time!
  7. B

    rought pearl identification - wild iris haliotis.

    Hi everyone. I have been collecting abalone shells from my fishing for years and i wonder if some of them are pearls... can anyone help me? They are small but i wonder if they could be of any value? Thank you for your answers. ​​​​​​​