beck83's latest activity

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    beck83 reacted to pearlescence's post in the thread Knots between pearls with Like Like.
    Oh urgh yes. Sand. (and yes, spectrum) Pearls don't mind getting wet (water is their natural environment), it is the silk which doesn't...
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    beck83 replied to the thread Knots between pearls.
    Oh gosh!! None of that sounds fun. And I live in Australia, it feels like practically everyone likes to go to the beach. I just don't...
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    beck83 reacted to Pearl Dreams's post in the thread Knots between pearls with Like Like.
    Yes! Grit and itch. I have to bring a water bottle to rinse my feet off thoroughly before getting in the car and even then I can't...
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    beck83 replied to the thread Knots between pearls.
    🤣 it's dreadful. I avoid the beach like the plague 😅
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    beck83 reacted to Pearl Dreams's post in the thread Knots between pearls with Like Like.
    I don't like sand between my toes either!
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    beck83 replied to the thread Knots between pearls.
    Thank goodness!! I thought you would think I was weird. Isn't it an awful feeling!!
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    beck83 replied to the thread Knots between pearls.
    Now I understand what you meant. I actually can't swim at all. Being on the spectrum I dislike the smell of chlorine, so I won't go in a...
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    beck83 reacted to Pearl Dreams's post in the thread Knots between pearls with Like Like.
    The thread will be ok from such a brief exposure. Even a longer will dry. So will the pearls. I don't think you have to...
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    beck83 replied to the thread Knots between pearls.
    I just assumed since my question was specific about the thread, then so was her answer. I don't wear pearls in the shower etc but I was...
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    beck83 replied to the thread Knots between pearls.
    Hi, I'm on my laptop so I can't post a screenshot, so I'm going to copy and paste my questiotn and answer that I received on etsy: Me...
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    beck83 replied to the thread Knots between pearls.
    Hi, Bernadette from Beader's secret told me it couldn't get wet. Now I;m really confused.
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    beck83 replied to the thread Knots between pearls.
    Has anyone else also tried wildfire? I wanted to give it a go because it can apparently get wet. Which size is the equivalent to serafil...