Shakespear and Pearls


PG Forum Admin
Aug 26, 2005
When I was younger (about 12 years old) I discovered theatre plays. And I started reading as many as I could until I found a large book of the most important plays by William Shakespeare in my house's library. I read them all in less than a month. I was simply enjoying myself too much with them.
Pearls were present in the plays and it was probably one of my earliest exposures to these amazing gems.

Well, today I happened to come across one Podcast that explains Shakespeare and Pearls...hope you enjoy it!

Pearls with Saoirse Laarachi
Ep-191-Saoirse-Laarachi-Cover.png - Click image for larger version  Name:	Ep-191-Saoirse-Laarachi-Cover.png Views:	0 Size:	518.3 KB ID:	458745