Recent content by danachit

  1. danachit

    What on Earth Did I Do Wrong?

    Hahaha, this made my day! YES! I believe you! I have obviously been VERY late to the game and am the only person in the WORLD not using this wonderful thread! I can't wait for it to come and that will give me time to find and order a new clasp since I need one with a safety latch. I went ahead...
  2. danachit

    What on Earth Did I Do Wrong?

    Okay. Big Sigh *and maybe a choice cuss word...or two...or three* Twice now, TWICE...I have had the french boullion somehow stretch out over about a inch area and then not come off. What the hay!? I got down to the very last back knot...the end was in sight!...and that dagnabbit french slinky...
  3. danachit

    What on Earth Did I Do Wrong?

    Hahaha, OF COURSE you can undo the knot! Okay, Okay...I give up! I placed an order yesterday on etsy from our esteemed seller and will do the next one on Beaders secret! :cool:
  4. danachit

    What on Earth Did I Do Wrong?

    Hahahahaha, oh my GOSH...yall....I was sitting here enjoying my new Amazon alexa thing that I got so I can have video chats with my parents "Hey Mama! Mama why is your hair pink? You need to tell the hairdresser to brown it up next time. Daddy what was your blood sugar? Is that powdered sugar on...
  5. danachit

    What on Earth Did I Do Wrong?

    It's soooo good to see so many of you! Woo Hoo!! So this is what I've done. I went to my local Michael's and picked up some fresh G-S hypo cement glue. Love that teeny tiny pin drop point. Oh my goodness.....just being around all those tools brought back so many memories! I strung gemstone and...
  6. danachit

    What on Earth Did I Do Wrong?

    Awww Lisa C. ;) Thank yall SO MUCH! Man, I wish I had some of that beader's secret! I have always used silk because I am a purist. What about the fancy folks? (Jeremy?) Are they still using stretched/waxed silk? Or have the big boys also sought out alternatives? I starting knotting on #1...
  7. danachit

    What on Earth Did I Do Wrong?

    Thank you! I've always used stretched, waxed silk. I'm willing to use something else even though it feels....wrong...LOL. Do you know how Beader's secret compares to STRINGTH bead cord? I have a good bit of that already and I want to get started.
  8. danachit

    What on Earth Did I Do Wrong?

    Well hello all! I have been absent for years, that's right...YEARS! I went to ministry school, then graduate school, got a job teaching finance to the dept of defense, then took over the lives of both of my elderly parents. Pearls became a lost thought. THEN!! Last night, I awoke at 2am and...
  9. danachit

    Shouldn't the double strands be touching?

    Ok....THAT is the necklace I was looking for. What size are those?
  10. danachit

    Shouldn't the double strands be touching?

    I just received this freshwater 7.5-8mm double strand AAA upgrade. I'm thinking I was expecting the strands to touch. What do you think? I had in mind two strands that were laying side by side and not one hanging down. The image on the site showed the pearls laying side by side on the velvet...
  11. danachit

    Best online source for findings?

    I mainly use bella findings. I also shop locally at a jewelers' supply store called southeastern findings. They have an online store but they're in my town so I go in person. Rio grande might as well be retail, their prices are so high, ALTHO I have purchased an occasional thing or two...
  12. danachit

    Jeremy Thank you so much for your latest effort to help!

    I guess I should have posted this in the Akoya section. PP is offering a special akoya sale on certain pearls and donating 25% of the sale proceeds to the Red Cross Japan disaster relief and other help projects.
  13. danachit

    Jeremy Thank you so much for your latest effort to help!

    Jeremy, I love what your company is doing to help Japan. I just wanted to publicly say, "Thank you!"
  14. danachit

    Post a Picture of Your Work Table!!

    :D:D:D SARAH! I just now saw this! Haha! I love the gymnastics! Haven't we all felt that way right about in the middle of a long stringing job! Not that I would ever actually be able to DO that, good heavens above! :rolleyes: the idea of using the antique printer's tray for...
  15. danachit

    How to Make a Pearl Necklace.

    Knotty, That's a great little formula to remember. I was restringing a lavender, peach, and white necklace and it would have been nice to just count out. I will from now on. Thanks! Regarding the tri-cord knotter. I can't say enough how much I love mine. The knots are so even and it's so...