15 tons of tahitians pearls ...

I took Judi and Jeremy over to the junk pearl mart in the tent today and showed them some Tahitians. They were so bad all Jeremy could say was, "Dear Lord, Dear Lord, Dear Lord" Some looked like strands of beryl, with stripes and dull shades of mud. Some had holes in them. It was an a really disheartening sight.

I finally told the guy that these were the crummiest Tahitians I had ever seen. Tai Woo Pearls in the G&LW show at the Gem Mall near the Holidome if you want to get distressed.......
While I was talking with the dude, his partner tried to sell a really long strand of various colored Chinese FW's as "Tahitian South Seas" for $300 to two different clients! I was shocked that the guy could look straight at people and just lie to their faces.

Josh, last time I was in HK, I wandered in to the jewellers at the 4+ star hotel I was staying in... my friend and I watched in amazement as the assistant there was selling a strand of poor quality, peach coloured, bead nuked Chinese FW as "Baroque South Sea" pearls.... I did feel compelled (after the prospective client left) to tell the sales assistant that they were FW, but she said no, they were definitely SS. Just amazing.
Today at GJX I was talking to a potential buyer from New York who was at a booth with his partner. While I was talking with the dude, his partner tried to sell a really long strand of various colored Chinese FW's as "Tahitian South Seas" for $300 to two different clients!

Well, Josh, different people have got different "skills" :rolleyes:

Must be dilemma for you whether to work with these people. Your green principles and people with no integrity...
Unfortunately, we witness these kind of sales attempts too often.

I posted some pictures of our (Jeremy, Caitlin, and Heather) Tahitians "finds" from my phone in my albums. I'll eventually figure out how to get them here, but these were astoundingly, scum of the earth, ugly and disfigured organic misrepresentations of our beloved Tahitian pearl. It was flabbergasting to hear the seller tell Jeremy (in Mandarin) that these HOLLOW BROKEN pieces were all pearl. It actually looked like hardened mud in part of the shell. I say shell because the nacre was so thin it had cracked and the holes were at least 1/4" in diameter. I guess I got what I asked for. It is really impossible to believe that anyone would buy any of these strands for the $35. to $80. price range. We joked that, if they had been $10., we might have bought one for dramatic comparison.
Wow, the no nacre ones are like somebodies lousy watercolor "art" :):)
Amazing, that these kind of "pearls" are offered in such place.
Thanks for education, Judi!

They really are terrible...it is so sad that someone will probably buy them and then sell them to some unknowing customer...