Your opinion appreciated


Jul 11, 2008
Happy New Year, PGers! Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2010.

My most mah-vel-ous husband gave me this wonderful bracelet for Christmas in 14K:

I love it, but it needs a little something. Something like........pearls! Yes, of course!

I have a rarely-worn Care Ehret Cortez bracelet languishing in my jewelry box (I know, "Sacre bleu pearls! Zut atolls!") and would really like to see them get the attention they deserve. Converting the pearls into charms and adding them to this bracelet would do just that.

My questions for you:

1. Should I let the Cortez pearls shine on their own, or should I create a shameful display of pearl excess by adding baroque white, golden, and/or Tahitian SSPs as well?

2. Do you know anyone that could do this for me?

Thanks much!
Oohhh- that bracelet is very pretty, it's going to make an amazing piece when it's finished! I am utterly in love with the Cortez pearls, hoping to save for a few gemmy ones myself- those pearls should definitely be worn and shown off to maximum advantage!!!

I agree that plain pearl bracelets don't get nearly the wear that they should, and definitely commend you on the innovative and fun direction you're taking with your pearly delights! Converting loose pearls into charms is super-easy (and not too expensive, either thank goodness!); once you decide on the type of mounting you'd like, the labor should really only take between one to three days to complete.

You should be deciding between either a straight i-pin mounting, or a classic cup (high-polish, fluted, scalloped- whichever design is up to the individual tastes of the designer- you.), which might provide a more 'finished' look next to those gorgeous hearts. Below is a sample pic to give you a better idea of what I'm trying to describe- hope this helps inspire some creative designs!!! Good Luck! :D


  • 14K mtg cup.jpg
    14K mtg cup.jpg
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Are the bracelet pearls half or full drilled? either way, making them into charms would not be a problem for any of us professional pearl personages. Where are you?
Hi Wendy,

Thanks for your replies! I knew I came to the right place. :)

The pearls are full drilled. I'm in the Atlanta area.

Ashley, we spoke a few months ago about an anniversary necklace for my parents' 50th wedding anniversary. Time to get that ball rolling, so I'll shoot you an email. Nothing like a couple of pearl projects to start the new year off right!
Woo Hoo- sounds great! I am always ready to go when it comes to custom designs! ;)
Email me anytime and we can get started.