My Pearls 2.0

I am thinking about remaking my Fire and Ice strand into two bracelets instead, a Fire one and an Ice one. They could still be used as a necklace with an added extender and enhancer. I think that the different portions would benefit from not being in the same strand.

These firey pearls would probably look better on their own.
As would these. I haven't fully decided yet. I recently did make a mixed south sea bracelet with some pretty circled south sea pearls.
Love the pearls, not the bracelet strangly enough. Yesterday I used that bracelet as a base for my last vintage akoyas, a previous much remade wavestrand. I tried it with white south sea pearls, green tahitians, blue tahitians, peacock tahitians and so forth. I don't have a photo just yet, but picture this
but with the bracelet above instead (the one on the photo is still intact, but the akoyas are from the same triple strand). I think that I like the new strand. Those akoyas didn't work with the other version because they are to warmtoned. The pearls in the mixed bracelet is from Pearlescence and Druzydesign.

All your pearls are lovely, Charlotta. But that rainbow strand is my favorite too!
Thank you for sharing your cute little Edgar.
Douglas, please tell Jessica her little octopus w/ hat is just wonderful!!
I will dear friend!
She will become red with embarrassment! Probably will ask me to remove it from the internet!
Awww shucks! Teenagers ;)
Such beautiful rainbows of colors, Charlotta! I admit the rainbow octopus pirate has captured my heart though, with his collection :)

Douglas, your daughter's RED Octopus is darling, and SO well crafted ... I think you must bring Jessica north with you next time, we'd love to meet her; we could all bring our octopi ... you know we have them lol ...
Thank you CathyKeshi. It was so fun to make that octopus. I will make a bigger one soon, but know I am busy crocheting pads at evenings. I am trying to use less disposable items, and I do use face pads every day. They are coming along nicely. I did make my own pattern since all I tried was wierd somehow, or to small or whatnot.
I was trying to take some photos yesterday when we checked on the summercabin, sadly enough snow on the roof at my outdoors room. I hope it rains soon. This is the best I could do with the poor light. It's really quite colorful. My all freshwater strand, mostly edisons and two big ripples. The pearls are mostly from Druzydesign. I call this one Sunrise Clouds
I do blame the snow. I did have to walk for 15 minutes to get there due to the snow, the small road wasn't cleared...
LOL! I wish I could...this "brave new COVID world" is just making traveling more complicated.
I first have to renew her US traveling visa, which recently expired. The US consulate is backlogged with visa demands due to COVID issues.
The photos look very nice! We can tell you have less light but not too bad so we cannot admire the pearls' beauty! :)
Thank you CortezPearls and SurfnSci. Hopefully soon, well soonish anyway, I can take some better photos. I did try to make some sort of lightbox using natural light, a plastic transparent storage box and two white pillow cases. It didn't work all that well. I think that the phone camera reacts to the light from the window or something. I was thinking about using that whiteish paint you use in a green house to filter the light, the calcium one (?) on the kitchen window. Not-husband was not might have worked though.
I believe it could have worked Charlotta2.0
Anyway, every time you mention "not-husband" I have to giggle...reminds me of my wife when she refers to me when she talks to other about me...she calls me "El Hombre" (The Man). Rarely ever uses my name to refer to me with others unless they are family or close friends.
CortezPearls haha, he doesn't know that lots of people around the world knows him as Not-husband....he would probably find it funny...
I do want to try that calcium washes of...after a few months...haha
By the way CortezPearls, since you know most things about pearl farming. If oysters produce smaller but more colorful and lustrous pearls in cold water, how come one cannot grow pearls in sweden? The water is plenty cold. Might be against the law, introducing new species, but in theory. What kind of oysters could be grown here? There are some for eating, not sure what kind.
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Well Charlotta2.0 , the issue here is Biology. Pearl oysters are mostly adapted to tropical and subtropical waters (temperature ranging from 18 to 30° Celsius) so they cannot survive in your cold waters. You could introduce pearl oysters and they will die in a day.

But Abalone could live in your waters, but somehow the environment is not adequate. This is the only Abalone (commercial) species in Europe:
The ormer or European abalone, Haliotis tuberculata, the only European species large enough to be harvested, is traditionally fished in Western France where it is considered a delicacy.

Edible oysters could be grown, but not for their pearls. Mussels are an alternative too and may produce nice pearls, but not used for pearl farming.
Thank you CortezPearls. Well just to cold then. Not-husband has found smallish pearls in blue mussels several times, he did throw them away so I don't know what they look like. Probably smallish
The Marine Mussel expert in our forum is Dave @Lagoon Island Pearls
He might be able to offer sounder advice.
The snow finally left the roof in the outdoors room at the summercabin, yay. Unfortunately it's still december so the light is weak. Yesterday when I first tried to take photos the ice that had previous been on the inside of the roof...was melting. It was dripping water all around me...somehow all that water made the photos somewhat misty...I tried an hour later...then it was a bit dark. What we do for photos...
This is my Sunrise Clouds strand, all freshwater pearls, two of the pearls are accually ripples that I bought years ago. The slightly misty ones...
My favorites are those lavender green and blue ones, I want more of those. Such pretty pearls. Surprisingly many colors in these edisons, that I mostly bought from Druzydesign. First I added a few south sea pearls, since edisons and golden south sea pearls are so beautiful together. I had some white south sea pearls as well. Then I remade it and added the two ripple pearls instead, from that huge ripple strand from Kongspearl that I didn't like on it's own. These two have the prettiest colors and have stayed that way for years. Some not misty but pretty dark photos. Yes it's the same strand.
The contrast is pretty big, whilst I was cutting the photos on my phone my eyes adjusted to both the mist and the dark. I did take some photos of Sunrise Clouds with my circled deep golden south sea strand. They look lovely together and I am wearing them as a rope today. Slightly misty photos again.
I accually did get some better photos today. Yay. Some new photos of that same strand...
I show you some other strand or bracelet soon...
OMG Charlotta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How beautiful is this necklace!!!!!! Amazing colors, love how chameleon these are and the luster!!!! Stunning:heart::heart::heart:
Thank you eolian pearls and SurfnSci. I really like that strand. What more did I do whilst it was cold and snowy? I did make some jadeit and pearl bracelet. I call this one Calm before the Colors. Soothing green colors and then those really colorful edisons and one golden south sea pearl, then back to soothing colors
It's great for layering with other bracelets